Driving Progress 2023: accelerating a zero-emission road transportation future

Driving Progress 2023: accelerating a zero-emission road transportation future

The transition to electric vehicles is accelerating, thanks to Drive Electric Campaign partners supporting commitments, policy actions, and ambition around the world.

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By the Drive Electric Campaign

Advancing ambitious policies

In every region we track, our partners helped advance at least 10 meaningful policy actions this year alone. Drive Electric partners help support ambitious policies through technical assistance, research, communications, and more activities focused on reducing tailpipe pollution and speeding the shift to clean transportation. Our latest progress report shares more about specific policy advancements around the world.

Funding all modes

With increased collaboration and investment from philanthropy, Drive Electric has expanded support for zero-emission transportation. Funding supports activities across all modes of road transportation, and in 2023 the majority of grants supported work on freight trucks. While many indicators, such as WRI’s State of Climate Action, estimate that the shift to electric cars is “on track” to meet climate targets, more work is needed to cut the emissions from medium- and heavy-duty vehicles like trucks.

About the Drive Electric Campaign

The Drive Electric Campaign is an ambitious, philanthropy-powered global initiative to achieve a global tipping point by 2026 leading to the electrification of all road vehicles by 2050.

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